Some Of These New Domains Are Starting To Feel Redundant

A lot of the new Top Level Domains (TLDs) are a lot of fun and making great additions to business.  .BOUTIQUE is great for local markets – Savvy.Boutique, or LulusChic.Boutique are another great way to brand local boutiques.

We’re fans of .TECHNOLOGY and .COMPUTER and have purchased both for our business.  .TATTOO, there is no mistaking what you’ll find there.  .SEXY on the other hand prohibits what you’d think you’d find there so have fun surfacing those sites.  The list goes on and on of fun TLD additions:

  • .SHOES
  • .MENU
  • .CLUB

The list goes on and on, but then something happens and you notice some of these TLDs are starting to get redundant.

How many ways does one need to talk about pictures:

  • .PICS
  • .PHOTO

Now that’s just too much, and who wants to have to think about was that or .photos?


And sure we’d all like to be on vacation right now, but how many different TLDs do you really need to look for vacation options:


The question is whether or not people are going to want to think about 5 different possible ways to search for vacations?  Are all of these new TLDs different enough to make them useful?  Or would most people looking to take a vacation be content with looking at .VACATION sites that include all travel options, cruises, flights, and accommodations?

With over 1300 applications for new TLDs having been submitted so far the list of redundant new domain extensions is bound to grow.


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