.net and .com are two of the original domain name extensions and remain two of the most popular selections. Most businesses will look first for a .com or a .net for their business, even going with a long domain name to find one that works with one of these two extensions. As a secondary option…
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With the start of Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) Open Enrollment not only do you have another way to purchase health insurance, it also opened the door for savvy scammers to launch all new ways to get your personal information. To start with only the main website healthcare.gov is required to have an SSL certificte, which…
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California, in an act of absolute stupidity, has just attempted to legislate the Internet. Any attempt at legislating the Internet from a technical perspective is incredibly difficult and while China has made a valiant go at it there are continuing chinks in even their armor. September 23, 2013 Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Senate…
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