If you’ve been waiting for .BIKE, .CLOTHING, .GURU, .HOLDINGS, .VENTURES, .PLUMBING, .SINGLES, .CAMERA, .LIGHTING, .EQUIPMENT, .ESTATE, .GRAPHICS, .GALLERY, or .PHOTOGRAPHY the Sunrise Period opens next week. To purchase during the Sunrise Period an extra Sunrise Fee applies and certain requirements must be met. See our previous article on Purchasing Newly Released Domains. General availability will…
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What do April 8, 2014 and Microsoft have to do with you? A whole lot if you’re still using Windows XP or Microsoft Office 2003. 4/8/14 is the final day for support of these two Microsoft products. It’s only a few short months away, is your business ready? Now is the time to take action,…
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Databits News first brought you the story of the CryptoLocker Ransomware Malware 2 weeks ago, including the damaging effects and large financial cost for getting victim’s files back. Well, since that time the situation has only gotten worse and in some ways the changes may be fueled by the Malware itself as more people are…
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Just what everyone’s been looking for, a dual interface USB and micro USB thumb drive for transferring data between tablets, smartphones, laptops and computers! Standard male USB on one side and male micro USB on the other. Perfect for transferring movies, videos, pictures and other files between devices where different USB plugins are required. No…
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It’s cute, tiny and a complete i5 computer. Sitting next to a smartphone you can really get a feel for how small these NUC computers are. [whohit]NUC[/whohit]…
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