Don’t throw away old cell phones – donate them!

How many of us have old cell phones sitting around with no idea what to do with them?  Probably everyone.  You give them to your kids as toys when they’re little then you just push them off to the side.  Maybe instead of a “junk drawer” you have an old cell phone drawer.

With many people upgrading their cell phones every couple of years that makes a lot of unused devices.  Here are a few suggestions for charities that accept old cell phones. – Each phone donated buys one hour of talk time for a soldier to talk to their family.  Since 2004 they’ve provided over 114 million minutes of free talk time to soldiers. – Helps children with serious illnesses and chronic medical conditions.











1 Comment

  1. Paulia Reply

    I think cell phones pose a pteontially serious problem for schools. With camera phones and instant messaging, academic integrity becomes an issue. In addition, I have read about horror stories in which (usually) young ladies are photograghed in the locker room or rest room while changing clothes and then the pictures are shared with the world. In some instances, the student is emotionally traumatized and can ruin a high school career. We must do everything we can to pretect our students from this. I think our current policy of keeping cell phones turned off and in the student’s locker is the safest bet for all involved and strict enforcement and consequences must maintained by the entire school.

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