An App That Sells Your Stuff For You

SoldWho has time to keep track of and manage those items you want to sell on eBay or Craigslist?  Usually only those who make it their job.  Well now there’s an app for the rest of us.  Sold, originally offered on iOS in April, is now available for Android users.

Sold’s developers didn’t have a a goal of reinventing the online sales wheel, what  they did is even better, they set out to simplify it!  And you have to love their sales slogan on their website “…we make selling easy. So easy that we do it for you. We do the dirty work. You reap the benefits.”  Who doesn’t that appeal to!

The average purchase price is $262, which is two times greater than eBay’s with a focus on selling electronics, and accessories, like handbags and watches.

Sold’s pricing structure includes a service charge for the marketplace your item is being sold on, and their own fee.  The total is provided to the prospective seller upfront, before making the sale, allowing you agree or cancel the sale if you don’t like fees involved.

If you’re looking to rid yourself of a few items you no longer use, but have been putting it off because who has the time to deal with it, you’re answer is here.  Even better it’s just in time to generate a little extra spending money for the Christmas Season!



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